Menstrual Equity/Education

Addressing Period Poverty


Violence against women manifests itself in many different ways, including the lack of access to vital needs like menstrual products.

WAGE is working with like-minded organizations, like Sisterhood SA in South Africa to raise awareness and increase access to limit disease, prevent violence while traveling and shutting down inequities in women’s prisons and beyond.

The sanitary kits developed by three African women, the first of its kind in the world, provides a product, educational brochures for disease and contraception, cleaning products, panties, three washable inserts and a waterproof wings base set with biodegradable packaging.


Breaking the Cycle of Shame/Menstruation Education

A new award-winning documentary, "A Journey With a Hope," is the tragic story of a Kenyan girl who went to school one day but never made it home. The film out of Cape Town addresses period shame. WAGE hosted a screening in July 2023, which was followed by a rich conversation.

The film is now available to the public!

TUPO Foundation

TUPO exists to contribute to improvement of child. youth and women welfare through policy and community engagement, community economic empowerment, and institutionalization of strategies to prevent, rescue, rehabilitate and integration mechanisms for vulnerable and affected children, youth and women.